sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

Astrologia é ciência do absoluto _ Evolutivo _ Dom Neroman

Notas de aula
Evolutivo - Dom Neroman
Tudo é cíclico, tudo é evolução ondulação constante para Dom Neroman. O estudo dos ciclos anuais foi a base fundamental das pesquisas e originalidade nos achados de Dom Neromam.
Dom Neroman (18/06/1884 - 1953), engenheiro civil de Minas, foi presidente fundador do Colégio Astrológico da França / Collège Astrologique de France. Criticado e pouco compreendido por astrólogos em geral e ainda o é, até hoje. Para ele as progressões secundárias e a simbólica são fictícias, pura virtualidade.
Seu método de trabalho foi muito pessoal. Dom Neroman baseou-se na Astrologia tradicional, mas deu singular contribuição à Astrologia. Em 1936 publicou as suas teorias sobre o Evolutivo. Criou um método de interpretação do Destino Humano que ele chamou de Evolutivo ou Fatum, ou ainda de Sensitivo. Sensitivo é o Meridiano do Destino Terrestre. Quem gira é a Terra, o sensitivo anda na Terra, observa-se pelo Mapa Natal da pessoa.
Sintetizando poderíamos dizer que ele concluiu a partir do ponto Zero do Meio Céu ser o início do refluxo do processo de evolução do ser humano. Uma determinante do destino individual; a trajetória que não podemos fugir.
A partir do grau exato do Meio Céu, do Meridiano do local de nascimento, inicia-se o percurso da Vida que Dom Neroman chamou de Antena Evolutiva ou Antena do Destino. É a lei do Evolutivo que fornece o ângulo de rotação do Fatum a todas as idades. Este ponto gira no movimento diurno, a partir do Meio Céu, ao ponto oposto, Fundo do Céu. O Sensitivo prepara a criança para viver a sua trajetória de vida em sua evolução espiritual.
A Antena Evolutiva não é um ponto do céu cósmico, mas sim um ponto da Terra. Meio Céu é o ponto do cosmo e a Antena o ponto que se movimenta, a partir do Meio Céu. Antena Sensitiva era como ele denominava o caminho da pessoa em sua vida. A Antena marca a nossa trajetória no Planeta Terra. Nascer é enfrentar a vida e a morte a cada instante.
Fatum - do Latim significa fatalidade, sina, tempo fixado pelo destino, predição divina. Fato - predeterminação cega à qual estamos submetidos aos próprios deuses.
“A Astrologia é um relógio”, diz Neroman. Ele compara o Céu a um relógio (interno). Nossa evolução se dá no sentido do relógio. O movimento do relógio é o movimento inverso daquele da matéria, é o movimento do Espírito.
O Fatum, ou seja, o Evolutivo é o deslocamento da linha (antena) a partir do Meio Céu da Carta Natal. Movimento como os Nodos Lunares (19 em 19 anos), no sentido do relógio.
Dom Neroman nas suas pesquisas sobre a evolução do Sensitivo não se inspirou por cálculos da evolução vital do ser humano. Ele procurou fazer estudos pré-natais, desde a fecundação.
O Ascendente é a antena ativa do comportamento que eu escolho por liberdade relativa, por livre arbítrio.
O Evolutivo é a antena receptiva, determinada. Destino que eu não posso fugir, ele está traçado. Seu movimento é no sentido inverso da Carta Natal, segue o movimento horário, o Espírito que anima a matéria. Revela as fases da evolução: corpo, mente e alma. O Zodíaco é o emissor e o Mapa natal é o receptor.
O Meridiano do nascimento - Meio Céu - indica o caminho humano/espiritual do nativo. Ele nos fala da espiral evolutiva aplicada à evolução.
Nos Upanishads, Brahma é “sopro ordenado do cosmo.”
“O que fica no alto é como o que está embaixo, afim de que se realize o milagre da unidade.” Hermes Trimegisto.
O Zodíaco é o macrocosmo, o emissor de influxos / o Fatum-Evolutivo é o nosso percurso no microcosmo, o sensitivo receptor. O macrocosmo é um princípio semelhante do Universo na sua relação análoga com o homem que representa o microcosmo: estrutura de átomo análogo a estrutura do sistema solar - os Planetas em torno do Sol, uma pequena estrela de 5ª grandeza, não uma estrela de 1ª magnitude.
Todo o tema de nascimento é um “instante fotográfico” do céu com as antenas receptivas ao minuto mesmo onde o ser é inundado dos influxos cósmicos.
Para ele nos primeiros nove meses de vida, o espírito, ao encarnar, vivencia tudo o que o homem já viveu. Razão porque nos primeiro anos da vida da criança tudo é vivenciado com rapidez; cresce e se desenvolve. Depois com a idade o organismo desacelera. Quanto mais idade mais difícil enfrentar obstáculos. A velocidade decresce na idade madura e mais ainda na velhice, onde tudo é mais lento.

Dom Neroman pontuou quatro ciclos distintos na vida do nativo:
1º ciclo - 0 a 2 anos e 2 meses aproximadamente.
2º ciclo - 2 anos e 2 meses a 9 anos e 8 meses.
3º ciclo - 9 anos e 8 meses a 38 anos e 4 meses.
4º ciclo - 38 anos e 4 meses a 120 anos.
Bibliografia / Dom Néroman

*Planetes et Destins (Paris, Maurice d’Hartoy Ed. 1933).
*Les Présages à La lumière des Lois de l’évolution (Paris – Imprime em Belgique, Collège Astrologique de France, 1937).
*Traité d'Astrologie Rattionnelle (Paris, Ed. “Sous le ciel, 1943).
*Grande Encyclopédie illustrée de Science Occultes (Paris, Ed. Argentos, 1952).

(Rio, 22 de março de 2008)

-- postagem martha pires ferreira

domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

The age of Aquarius

O texto Era de Aquarius foi publicado pela 1ª vez em 1972 na revista Rolling Stone - Rio de Janeiro - a pedido do jornalista e escritor, querido amigo, Luiz Carlos Maciel (autor De volta para o futuro; as quatro estações). Beatriz Varela e Gary Richman, amigos amorosos, traduziram para o inglês, há muitos anos.
Resolvi, hoje pela manhã, publicar este texto em inglês aqui no Blog, visto que desde 1972 já falávamos muito destes tempos apocalípticos que estamos vivendo, e amigos estrangeiros o querem ler na íntegra.
Meu grande mestre em Astrologia mundial foi Nostradamus. Inicialmente foi ele quem me apontou os caminhos para as observações dos ciclos celestes nos meados dos anos 60 - grito radical de liberdade juvenil.
O texto em português, com cortes sem mexer em nada (apenas reduzi), pode ser lido em 9 de abril de 2007, neste Blog.
Aqui em inglês está na íntegra.
The first publication of this article was in 1972 in the Brazilian version of the Rolling Stone magazine, Rio de Janeiro / Brasil. It was later reprinted in 1975, 1976, 1979, 1982, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2009. This is the entire text.
The age of Aquarius
Even though astrology is not taken seriously by the academics of our time it is as old as men. The study of the stars was probably born from a passionate attempt to discover the secret of life and death. Astrology, which is known to all civilizations and cultures, remains until today as a science and an art of an experimental character and observation, studying the relationships between the man and the planets of the solar system – the behavior of the human being in the space of cosmic forces.
Astrology’s purpose is to determine the celestial influences that rule the destiny of beings and things. It is the art of universal correspondence applied to all types of individuals.
“Astra inclinam, non necessitant”
(stars predispose, but they do not impose)

Suddenly, many people want to know what is the so talked about Age of Aquarius. It really seems like eyes light up more when one talks about subjects like the coming future world, the dawn of the year 2000. A hope, an anxiety for beauty, happiness, a paradisic delight!?
I am not going to give astronomical data to explain that the vernal axis, by a process of retrocessing, is leaving the sign of Pisces, where we have spent twenty centuries, and is approaching now the sign of Aquarius. After the year 2000, approximately around the year 2014 (?!), we can say that this axis will have passed the constellation of Aquarius, thus giving the origins of a New Age the History of Humanity.

As we cannot state with certainty anything pertaining future happenings, we can still believe that this age will be of great mental clearing up for all humanity. The Age of Aquarius is the wakening of intuition – immediate comprehension. Humanity will then have greater spiritual and scientific expansion. It is a period of freeing, of independence, of self-expansion, of telepathy, of paranormalness, of pre-cognition. Man is in search of knowledge and – by a kind of mediumship – knows what all the others think, what they are and wish. He is like the other, he is part of the other. It is what we call popularly the “tuned in man” in the larger sense of the expression. The development of perception will make him as penetrating as the X-ray. It is the being expanding in all levels, in all directions, directions that will permit knowledge which up to now is enigmatic for humanity. It announces truly a superior state of human evolution – a state of individual enlightenment – enlightenment of conscious lucidity.
The Age of Aquarius constitutes a new plan of development in the History of men. A total change of level – man acting in another psychic level. It is creativity in all its potentials, strength and vigor, completely transcending the present reality.
The consciousness of the internal God – of the deep being – will manifest in the very center of the psyche. Each human being will have as a primordial desire the self knowledge – the anxiety to know what he is in essence. What in the thought of C.G.Jung signifies the path of individuation. Man will experience through his personal situations what really is to harmonize with others. There will be a rising sentimental love, sacrificing generosity, which will take hold of all the human species. Man will know that we are all a same family – that we are all only one. That the pain and suffering of one is the pain and suffering of others, and the same happening in relation to social welfare , the chances and opportunities, happiness and pleasures. Man will thus learn to respect profoundly his own individuality and the other’s – to respect above all, and in the absolute, the other as he is, with his secrets, defects and virtues. The Golden Age of Humanity according to the Yogi philosophy . The Age of Beauty because it is The Age of the Path to Knowledge . And, who knows, The Age of the Art of Living !! As man enters in harmony with nature, he will enlarge his own being. The rising emergence of creativity will undoubtedly bring greater possibilities of happiness and pleasure in the individual and collective sphere. Men will continue as they have always been, with their light and dark aspects, with their contradictions of mortal beings. However, they will know better how to deal with these dark and light aspects that exist in every one of us. The masks, so common in daily relationships will have no more sense, because the new man, in his authenticity and spontaneity, will not have to avoid , to hide or to fear. He will know how to accept himself and accept the world, and in the same way he will be accepted in his legitimacy of a unique being, integrated in the heart of the Universe. The man of the Age of Aquarius is the independent man. It is the man who elaborates the process of total freeing.

It would be profitable to go a little bit further. We are at the doors of the twenty first century, waiting the so talked about year 2000 of beauty and solidarity, of color and sound, of peace and paradisic happiness. For some this age has already begun by anticipation, but only apparently, because the Age of Aquarius is not, as we know, (and the clairvoyants also know this ) the privilege of a few or of a more gifted group of humans. The age of the next millenium represents primarily the coming together of mankind – nobody is interested in appearing more or less, being more or better. There is no doubt that the symptoms of this Age of Intuition are already present – in small nucleuses – in the different sectors of human activity. Nevertheless, before we enter in this plenitude of living, the whole world and all humanity will go through the most complete and fundamental transformation. A cataclysm! And the decades that come from the middle 70’s until the year 2000 are not going to be very euphoric, not even flowered.
This transfigured explosion can already be seen. The imagination appears to be dilating – man wants to invent, to appear , to create as no one has ever thought possible before. Art is not now a privilege of a small group of artists, nor is it the talented of a few – and we can verify that every man is potentially a creator, an artist, in a larger or lesser degree. And besides this effervescency , we live paradoxically in a crisis that is unheard of in history : mankind is totally lost. The restless and afflicted mind tries with all strength to solve problems which are every day more complex, even impossible to be solved. And going a little bit deeper, it appears that any attempt at general harmony between persons or nations is really useless . Humanity goes into misunderstandings more and more each day. All around us there is violence, aggression, individual and collective dissatisfaction. Man is suffering and it is useless to try to hide from himself this truth. The crisis is cultural, moral, political, economical, religious and sociological. And this crisis goes through an enormous growth – hunger will increase more and more each day – and the general loss of control will really seem absurd !!! Old traditions, old convictions, old ideals and customs, old ethical and metaphysical laws will go through surprising changes before the appearance of The New Cycle of the Human Race. It is not only a few who are alert, conscious and knowledgeable of such perspectives. It really looks like all humanity is awakening to confront the death – resurrection, metamorphosis! And as in all metamorphosis, as in all great changes, what is beautiful and precious come out of depuration, as in Alchemy. This depuration is accompanied by a lot of work and pain.
This period of upheaval which comes before the Age of Aquarius – which we are already going through – can be seen as an apocalyptic phenomenon. The general psychic state of humanity is becoming more and more dangerous. It is the crumbling down of old ways of thinking: paradoxes, incongruities, nonsense – the unforeseeable! A reality which is very full of doubt and absurd.Everywhere there are false prophets of truth and of knowledge – false lambs, false magicians, false clairvoyants, false wise men, and false enlightened. Many of these men as dogmatic “saviors of humanity” dictate principles and rules for the mind and for the soul, confusing still the general restlessness of the world. The pains will increase and humanity shall moan , tremble and get excited. Completely ignoring what is left, we will only know that we feel pain and urgently need something to alleviate this and tranquilize us.

Those who have their individual torch alight, those who remain in a state of focused attention have nothing to worry about. The careful observer of current phenomenology has only one exit : to confront the present moment , to confront himself and the darkness of his time , without creating rules or principles that will soon fade. The lucid man does not lose his goal – he works with lots of energy for a world which is humane and full of happiness- he suffers and does not fear the metamorphosis. He accepts the weight of the world on his fragile shoulders and does not get desperate. He trusts the principle of coordination of energies, in the renovating forces that emerge from the very center of the psyche. He works in silence and in love.
The Age of Aquarius, a utopia or a reality? If we ask geologists, sociologists and astronomers, they will have interesting data in relation to specific incidents. It really appears that everything is transforming. However, nothing can be stated, only time will tell.

For some scholars, the 2000 years that will follow can also be seen as the Age of Cosmic Space Conquest, and man has given sufficient proof that this is possible. But the age of Aquarius is above all the Age of the Discovery of the Interior Man- the AGE OF COSMIC MAN. The experimental study in school and universities.In a profound interest to know his intimate nature and his intimate nature and his electromagnetic essence, man discovers that his soul is the divine being manifested in matter.

Martha Pires Ferreira / 1972, Rio de janeiro / Brasil.

segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009

Flores do Bem - pensamentos P. Klee - Piccardi - Gerhard Voos

“O artista, hoje, não é apenas um aparelho fotográfico sutil, ele tem mais complexidades, mais riquezas e dispõe de maior latitude. É uma criatura sobre terra, e criatura no universo: criatura sobre um astro entre os astros”
Paul Kleee – Theorie de l’Arte Moderne / 1944.

“Não nos é necessário projetar o homem ao espaço interplanetário, nem sequer fazê-lo sair de seu país ou de sua casa, para submetê-lo aos efeitos do Cosmo. O homem se encontra sempre no meio do Universo, pois o Universo se encontra em todas as partes”. Giorgio Piccardi

“A pessoa de fé se vê colocada dentro de um mundo em que a sabedoria criadora de Deus ordenou tudo conforme sua medida e número, indicando-lhe seu devido lugar e transcurso: ‘Alcança com vigor de um extremo ao outro e governa o universo com sua bondade’(Sabedoria 8,1)”. Gerhard Voos